Tuesday 10 May 2016

12 Traditional Chinese Foods You’ve Got to Try

12 Traditional Chinese Foods You’ve Got to Try

12 Traditional Chinese Foods You've Got to Try
Curious to know what real, traditional Chinese food looks like?
This isn’t that imitation Chinese you get from the 24-hour buffet around the corner from your apartment. I lived and traveled in China for ten months and got to experience the real deal, local cuisine of the cities and villages. These are 12 of my favorite Chinese dishes!
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1. Spinach Noodles (bō cài miàn)

Bo Cai Mian, Traditional Chinese Food
Delicious spinach noodles in Xi’an, China
Xi’an, in central China, is known for its noodles, and every self-respecting noodle joint in said city makes their noodles from scratch. This traditional Chinese food dish includes noodles made from spinach, then topped with whatever ingredients your heart desires. The above serving has a spicy tomato-like sauce and is topped with egg, potato, carrots, beef and chili.

2. Fried Mashi (chǎo má shi)

Chao Mashi, Traditional Chinese Food
Greasy and incredibly tasty!
It’s easy to find fried rice and fried noodles anywhere in the world. This gnocchi-lookalike, though, is quite different. It’s a little bit sweet, but it’s hot and hearty. The additional crunchy vegetables provide a delicious juxtaposition next to the soft thickness of the má shi.

3. BBQ Meat (kǎo ròu)

Kao Rou, Traditional Chinese Food
BBQ meat from a street vendor in China
Kǎo ròu is the standard serving of meat in China, and might be one of the most well known traditional Chinese foods available. They are heavily spiced and come from both restaurants and street carts alike. Often cooked over burning coal, these sticks of meat come in many variations. You might find lamb, beef, chicken, or even the gizzards and other weird stuff no westerner would happily stick in their mouth.
And yes, I’ve seen tentacles hanging out of peoples’ mouths.

4. Cold Vegetable Dish (liáng cài)

Liang Cai, Traditional Chinese Food
Trying to stay healthy in China ;)
Liáng cài, which literally translates to “cold dish,” is an assortment of vegetables, tofu and peanuts, served with a marinade or sauce. The usual suspects are green beans, cucumbers, lotus root and cabbage, amongst a brilliant assortment of whatever else the house thinks bests suits the dish!

RELATED ARTICLE: The Delights of Chinese Food

5. Stinky Tofu (chòu dòu fu)

Stinky Tofu, Traditional Chinese Food
It smells so bad, but tastes so good!
It smells worse than it looks and it actually tastes better than it smells! Stinky tofu is often the culprit when entire sidewalks full of people are choked out as they are engulfed in a thick haze of stench. With enough of the right seasoning (you can see they use a lot), this traditional Chinese dish actually ain’t half bad.

6. Dumplings (jiǎo zi)

Traditional Chinese Dumplings
Traditional Chinese dumplings. My favorite!
Another one of the most well-known of traditional Chinese foods, this is your classic dumpling, often filled with beef, pork or veggies. They can come steamed or fried and, man, do they taste good. The locals dip their dumplings in black vinegar mixed with a chili sauce, which adds a unique bitter, sweet and spicy flavor.

7. Mutton Stew (yáng ròu pào mó)

Yang Rou Pao Mo, Chinese Traditional Food
Pào mó, with a side of chili and pickled garlic
Pào mó is a traditional dish of the Xi’an people. Seen here is pào mó served with mutton, though it can also come with pork or beef. Instead of noodles, this stew uses bits of unleavened bread, which soaks up the rich flavor. It’s served with chili sauce and pickled garlic on the side, meant for eating on its own, alongside the stew.
It compliments the flavors, and wards off evil spirits in the process.

8. Chinese Hamburger (ròu jiā mó)

Rou Jia Mo, Chinese Traditional Food
This is definitely not a hamburger.
This is the Chinese answer to a western hamburger, though, as a burger aficionado, I take serious issue with the fact that anybody would even call this one. That being said, it is a tasty treat. It’s a homemade, stone-oven cooked bun with juicy, seasoned pork on the inside. The pork is left to cook overnight in a large pot of spices like cardamom and cloves, and by morning, the meat would fall right apart. We called them “ro-ji’s” for short!

RELATED ARTICLE: The Cost of Travel in China

9. Cold Mixed Tofu and Pineapple Aloe Vera (liáng bàn dòu fu and bō luó lú huì)

Tofu and Aloe Vera, Two Traditional Chinese Foods
Aloe vera for eating, not sunburns.
Seen here is a giant brick of tofu (I know, right?) which is sitting in a mixed sauce of oil, chili and sesame (among other unknown flavors), topped with green veggies. The bizarre dish behind it is a serving of pineapple and aloe vera….the very same aloe vera you use to treat a sunburn. It’s sweet and mushy, which I couldn’t enjoy, but the sugary pineapple underneath was a nice nosh!

10. Yak Meat Dumplings (mómo)

Yak Meat Dumplings, Chinese Traditional Food
The best dumplings I’ve ever had.
Though not a traditional Chinese food in mainland China, mómo are common in Tibet and Western China. There is conflict over the territory of Tibet, but I did eat these in the People’s Republic of China, so they made the list. These dumplings were filled with juicy yak meat that burst in my mouth when I bit down. This, here, is one of the greatest things I’ve ever eaten in my life.
And I’ve eaten a lot. About three times every day since I was born, in fact.

11. Sweet and Sour Eggplant (yú xīang qié zi)

Sweet and Sour Eggplant, Traditional Chinese Food
Is it eggplant…or pork?
Though I never enjoyed eggplant at home, it quickly became one of my favorite things to eat in China. This is a bowl of sliced eggplant that tastes more like sweet and sour pork than a vegetable. A little bit of chili and fish sauce (or a lot) can go a long way!

12. Beef Noodles (niú ròu miàn)

Beef Noodles, Traditional Chinese Food
A delicious bowl of traditional beef noodles in Xi’an.
Beef noodles are a personal favorite, and they can be found in almost every restaurant or household in China. In fact, I’d go so far as to say it’s the most traditional Chinese food there is. Each restaurant prepares their noodles differently, so eating the same thing never gets boring. Seen here are homemade noodles, topped with a shredded beef and vegetable mixture.
Traditional Chinese recipes are very different from the Chinese food you might be used to. Western countries have, unfortunately, changed the cuisine, and turned it into something more akin to a greasy, late-night snack. That being said, with the uprising of gourmet and artisanal restaurants, many Chinese food menus are turning into something more representative of the authentic experience.
If you ever get a chance to experience traditional Chinese food, I highly recommend you try it!
What’s your favorite Chinese food? Let us know in the comments below!

8 Most Popular Chinese Dishes You Should Eat

8 Most Popular Chinese Dishes You Should Eat                                                                                                      China is rich in tourist attractions. Delicious foods are an attraction indispensable in a good tour. With a long history, unique features, numerous styles and exquisite cooking, Chinese cuisine is one important constituent part of Chinese culture. Chinese dishes are famous for color, aroma, taste, meaningand appearance.

The following are the eight most popular dishes among foreigners and Chinese. For customers’ convenience, we also list their Chinese character names and English pronunciations. These eight dishes are sweet and sour pork (chicken), gong bao chicken, ma po tofu, wontons, dumplings, spring rolls, chow mein and Peking duck. These dishes are available in most large restaurants in China.


sweet and sour pork

Sweet and Sour Pork 糖醋里脊

Sweet and sour pork has a bright orange-red color, and a delicious sweet and sour taste.
At the very beginning there was only sweet and sour pork, but to meet demands, there have been some developments on this dish. Now, the pork can be substituted by other ingredients like chicken, beef or pork ribs. Read the DIY recipes of sweet and sour pork ribs. SeeHow to Cook Sweet and Sour Pork.
kung pao chicken

Gong Bao Chicken 宫保鸡丁

This is a famous Sichuan-style specialty, popular with both Chinese and foreigners. The major ingredients are diced chicken, dried chili, and fried peanuts.
People in Western countries have created a Western-style gong bao chicken, for which the diced chicken is covered with cornstarch, and vegetables, sweet and sour sauce and mashed garlic are added. SeeHow to cook Gong Bao Chicken.
ma po tofu

Ma Po Tofu 麻婆豆腐

Ma po tofu is one of the most famous dishes in Chuan Cuisine with a history of more than 100 years. Ma (麻) describes a spicy and hot taste which comes from pepper powder, one kind of condiment usually used in Chuan Cuisine.
The milky tofu is enriched with brownish red ground beef and chopped green onion. It is really a tasty delicacy. Read the DIY recipes of ma po tofu. See How to Cook Ma Po Tofu.

Wontons 馄饨

Since the Tang Dynasty (618–907), it has been a custom for people to eat wontons on the winter solstice.
The most versatile shape of a wonton is simple a right triangle, similar to Italian tortellini. Wontons are commonly boiled and served in soup or sometimes deep-fried. The filling of wontons can be minced pork or diced shrimp. See How to Cook Wontons.

Dumplings 饺子

With a long history of more than 1,800 years, dumplings are a traditional food widely popular in North China. Dumplings consist of minced meat and chopped vegetables wrapped into a thin piece of dough skin.
Popular fillings are mince pork, diced shrimp, ground chicken, beef, and vegetables. They can be cooked by boiling, steaming, or frying. Dumplings are a traditional dish eaten on Chinese New Year’s Eve. See How to Make Chinese Dumplings.
chow mein

Chow Mein 炒面

The "Chow mein" is the Cantonese pronunciation of the Chinese characters above, which means stir-fried noodles. Generally speaking, this stir-fried dish consists of noodles, meat (usually chicken, beef, shrimp, or pork), onions and celery.
For making chow mein, the noodles need to be cooked in boiling water for a while. After they becoming cool, then move to the step of stir-frying. See How to Cook Chow Mein.
peking roasted duck

Peking Roasted Duck 北京烤鸭

Peking duck is a famous dish from Beijing, enjoying world fame, and considered as one of China’s national dishes.
Peking duck is savored for its thin and crispy skin. The Sliced Peking duck is often eaten with pancakes, sweet bean sauce, or soy with mashed garlic. It is a must-taste dish in Beijing! Read more aboutPeking Roasted Duck.
spring rolls

Spring Rolls 春卷

Spring rolls are a Cantonese dim sum of cylindrical shape. The filling of spring rolls could be vegetables or meat, and the taste could be either sweet or savory. After fillings are wrapped in spring roll wrappers, the next step is frying. Then the spring rolls are given their golden yellow color.
It is a dish especially popular in Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Fujian, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, etc. Read more about Spring Rolls.

Try Chinese Food with China Highlights

Eating delicious chinese food
Since China is so attraction-packed and Chinese food is so delicious, taking a Chinese Food Tour is a good way to ensure you taste a variety of these delicious delicacies and enjoy the top sights in China. See our recommended tours below for inspiration.
Our tours can be customized. If you are not interested in the above tours, just tell us your interests and requirements, and China Highlights will create a China tour for you.